Girl blowing bubbles through the Munchkin Bubble Bestie. Man watching and laughing.

How To Make A Bath Fun For Your Little One


Rub a dub dub, it’s time for a splash in the tub. Sticky babies and busy toddlers definitely need a good soak in some suds at the end of a long day. But how do you make  bath time fun?

For some water babies and toddlers, the water and a few toys are all they need for a fun bath time. For others, the sight of the water brings the bath time blues. However your baby feels about bath time, here are some tips on how to have fun in the bath.


What to do if your baby hates the bath?

If your little one hates bath time, they may be telling you that something’s wrong. It might be that they’re cold, the bath water may be too hot or it could be the shampoo that they hate. But there are a few things you can do.

First you should check the temperature of the water. This should be between 37 and 38°C – anything too hot runs the risk of burning your little one and anything too cold will be exactly that; too cold. Using your elbow is a good way to test the water temperature, but a much more precise way is with a   White Hot® Safety Bath Duck – it warns you when the water is too hot and unsafe for your little one. Plus it makes a great toy and is water tight to prevent mould and mildew build up too.

Secondly, ease them into the water without startling them. Get your hand under their bottom and hold onto their arm, lowering them gently into the water. Keep one hand on them at all times so there’s no need for them to panic. And finally, try and make it fun.


How to make bath time fun: 8 ideas to get you started


Whether you’ve got a baby that’s unsure of the water, a toddler that loves bath time or your little one is a little in between, here are some great ideas for fun in the tub.


1. Add some colour to the water


A bit of colour in the water instantly takes your bath time to another level. It makes the water all the more intriguing and inviting for curious little ones. As they watch the colour change before their eyes it can also be both entertaining and educational – these   Colour Buddies™ Moisturising Bath Bombs will do just the trick.


2. Draw on the walls


This is perfect for toddlers who just have the urge to draw all over the walls. What better place to encourage them than in the tub where it can easily wash off? This helps them with their fine motor skills and encourages creativity too.  Bath crayons are ideal.


3. Create a fun fantasy game


Again this is perfect for toddlers. Could your bath tub be a pirate ship sailing the seas or a boat travelling to far off lands? With fantasy games it can truly ignite the imagination for your little one’s and create a fun and exciting environment for them.


4. Sing while they soak


Ideal for babies who are a little unsure about bath time. Singing takes their mind off the task at hand and will soothe and calm them. And you never know, your favourite songs might form part of their bath time routine until they’re a toddler. How about throwing a few bath time instruments into the mix too? This  Dingray Musical Bath Toy, part of our Bath Beats Gift Set, is perfect for little ones 12 months and up.


5. Toys, toys, toys


Bath toys are always a great way to make bath time fun. And it’s all about using the water to your advantage.  Bath Squirts are a simple and fun solution, after all which baby doesn’t enjoy squirting?

This   Swimming Scuba Bubby will glide through the water and also makes a great little pal for more nervous babies in the bath. These   ColourMix Fish are also a great way for little ones to learn about cause and effect as they change colour once they enter the water.


6. Bring a little science into the bath


For inquisitive little minds, bath time is the perfect time to conduct some simple science experiments. It will get them thinking while they soak in the tub. This  Falls Bath Toy is ideal for those 12 months and up – The toy cups simply stick to the wall via suction cups, which means you can line them up however you’d like.

For older ones around three and up, our   ColourMix Lab STEM bath toy not only brings some colour into the water, but it also encourages creative play and develops hand eye coordination. It’s also a great introduction to STEM principles like action and reaction.


7. Let it glow


There’s nothing like getting the lights off in the bathroom and playing with some glow in the dark toys. What a super fun activity at bath time. They can catch a glowing star in a net with our   Catch a Glowing Star™ Glow in the Dark Bath Toy or fly off to space with our  Galaxy Buddies Light Up Bath Toys.


8. Keep it simple


Often the oldies really are the goodies, meaning fun at bath time really can be super simple. Filling the tub with bubbles is always inviting, and which little one doesn’t like wearing a bath beard or blowing bubbles in the bath? Cups and  shampoo rinsers can also become fun play toys for filling and pouring – plus it will get nervous little ones used to the tools used at hair washing time.

Sometimes a simple change like you joining the action can really make for a super fun bath time too. Whilst your baby will have been used to it, your toddler might have forgotten. And you can join in with the bubble blowing as well.



When to transition your baby from their baby bath

Most babies will outgrow their baby bath at around six months old. To ease the transition into the big bath, you can use a suction baby seat which allows them to sit in the big bath while staying safe. You can then transition from this to the big tub when the time is right.

With the right toys, games and experiments, you’ll make sure that bath time is always a fun time. If you’re after more baby advice, simply head to our  blog or check out our   StrollerCoaster podcast.


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